The Witcher Versus "Насколько вы нас ненавидите?" - Результаты состязания - Ведьмак - Хроники Каэр Морхена. Гвинт (Gwent)
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Ведьмак 2

The Witcher Versus "Насколько вы нас ненавидите?" - Результаты состязания

Представляем все 18 цитат, чьи авторы были награждены!
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Авторы трех лучших цитат получают стилизованные фигурки героев игры The Witcher: Versus
• “Wow! so there is other World outside Versus...?” by Brzezin
• “Great, now I will have to learn to my defense of bacheloral degree. Thou fobbing swag-bellied boar-pigs!Thou mammering tardy-gaited remnants!Thou quailing ill-breeding hugger-muggers!Thou peevish guts-griping whey-faces!Thou hideous unchin-snouted dewberries!Thou sottish rump-fed death-tokens!Thou surly beetle-headed apple-johns!Thou venomed clapper-clawed pumpions!Thou mewling tardy-gaited nut-hooks!Thou yeasty dismal-dreaming rudesbies!Thou roguish motley-minded minimuses!Thou lewd full-gorged whipsters!Thou pernicious folly-fallen mumble-news!Thou distempered reeling-ripe crutches!Thou wenching pale-hearted gudgeons!Thou loggerheaded lean-witted louts!Thou gorbellied eye-offending pigeon-eggs!Thou roguish heavy-handed barnacles!Thou fawning swag-bellied malignancies!Thou dankish paper-faced barnacles!” by Venom
• “Playing the game I was always naked. Now I'm naked and bored. What the girl like me should do now ? I hate You !” by Kalinna

Авторы следующих 5 цитат получают набор для игры в кости:
• “Just remains to hope that the VS crew will reappear in the game .. as frightener snacks” By Painjester
• “I'm from Russia and if you won't turn on the servers we, spiteful Russians, will bombard you with musquash caps, we will set bears on you and in the end we will give you drink vodka and force to play on balalaika!” by DemolitiOFF
• “Who cares? I'll just go back to what I was doing before, which is .... ... really no idea” by ASSEL
• “I don’t see anything!! light, light! everything is so light!! light is everywhere!! help!! help me.... ufff... just only open window...” by krstnek
• “Why Sapkowski ceased to write The Witcher? Because Versus was offline!” by sebciu

Авторы следующих 10 цитат награждаются 10 оренами (форумные баллы)
• “Which time zone exactly did you mean by 'Versus will be back on Wednesday?”by wro_bel
• “Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on..are you mad on me for my spam? so... turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on !” by sqbee
• “If Tolkien would write Lord of the rings again, the name of Sauron would be changed in Eriash!” (Eriash – community manager at CD Projekt RED) by Ifayra
• “Welcome to the real world....” by tanasz
• “I don't hate you. I love you. It will be pleasure for me to kill you all. Just a second to load my gun, and I'm coming for ya!” by Shinetes
• “Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have been waiting on a comment from me ALL day...” by Nemhotep
• “My preciouss browser game!! They stole it and we wants it back!!!” by geraldas
• “Gee. Thanks to you I had to tidy my desk, and I foud this little tiny sweet spider in my mug. I named him Lumpy” by Wradil
• “Hm... mayby one more change... The Project Manager as creature” by snorri1
• “Because of you I’ll have to search google for 'how to communicate with friends in real life “!!!!” by Drahenfels

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2008-07-14 21:45:47 | Ksandr Warfire
demolition [15.07.2008 в 13:36]
“I'm from Russia and if you won't turn on the servers we, spiteful Russians, will bombard you with musquash caps, we will set bears on you and in the end we will give you drink vodka and force to play on balalaika!”
- Похоже человек написавший это находился в делириуме... или в ссоре со своей головой.

Villentremert [15.07.2008 в 20:12]
Сори, что не в тему =), но я ток начал в версус играть, там можно прибавленный навык отменить, а то я не тот случайно прибавил =(

Vitaly Lysenko [15.07.2008 в 20:33]
Только если себя резетнуть. То есть выбрать "сменить класс" и выбрать опять Ведьмака( или кто там ты )

Ares [15.07.2008 в 22:01]
Хм, а перевод уже можно ждать? А то туго переводить или запрягать промт.

Schutze [18.07.2008 в 14:55]
Да - нельзя ли перевод? А то варварское наречие раздражает. Чай не бритты дикие.

Vitaly Lysenko [18.07.2008 в 19:12]
Можно и перевод. Сегодня выложу

Vitaly Lysenko [18.07.2008 в 20:27]
А ты жжешь Сам написал это, и сам на себя гонишь

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